07 fevereiro, 2008

Mais uma com Bluetooth: Burka Bluetooth !

Esse vem do Carnet de Notes Em um desfile de roupas da Seamless uma burka emitia a foto da modelo através da conexão Bluetooth !!!! O questionamento feito por André Lemos é: estaria dessa forma ferindo as leis do Corão? Segundo o artista não, mas é questionável realmente. Uma saída é saber como as leis agem sobre a divulgação de fotos em outros "meios". É proibida a veiculação de fotos de rostos de mulheres em outros meios????

During Seamless: Computational Couture," the "Charming Burka" was introduced to the public. This burka sends out a self-defined picture of the wearing person via Bluetooth.

A model presented the Charming Burka on the catwalk while the audience could receive the portrait of the model on their mobile phones.

After the catwalk visitors came around to discuss the idea or pick up the picture, if they did not do this before.

The Charming Burka deals with Freud‘s idea that all clothes can be positioned between appeal and shame.

The Burka was chosen, because it is often perceived in the west as a symbol of repression. A digital layer was added so that women can decide for themselves where they want to position themselves virtually.

The Burka sends an image, chosen by the wearer, via Bluetooth technology. Every person next to her can receive her picture via mobile phone and see the women's self-determined identity.

According to the artist Markus Kison the laws of the Koran are not broken, so the Charming Burka allows the possibility of living a more Western life, should a women so desire.